Three Thousand Words

I am a writer by nature, which is not to say that I am any good at it, but it's the format of my thoughts. I imagine things in thickly worded sentences with punctuation and ellipses and dropcaps. It's a ailment for which I have not yet found a medication.

So until I find this elusive cure I will from time to time make these little things I've decided to call '3ooo words'. 
One picture/halfhearted doodle and a 2ooo word story that grew in my mind while I drew. 
There are so many little moments that I cannot find a way to get into the comic and I wouldn't want to take all the effort to draw them out anyways. Neither you or I have the time for such nonsense. 

So, here I will put them, my sketches and my thoughts in lovely wordy formats, to be updated as they come.
Just clicky clicky on the little thumbnail picture to follow the link.

Wallflower: Eli has always known how to cheer up his friend.

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