Dec 17, 2011

good knight, sweet prince 1-2

So, finals have been happening. Happening all over the place and my colorist has been more or less curled up in a ball crying for the last few weeks. I give you all my most humble apologies for the lack of pages.
As a sign of my great shame and as a way to make it up to you, here are some pages from a little mini sketch comic that will be for sale at Fanime this upcoming year.

This particular installment of 'Good Knight, Sweet Prince' is going to be about Jami (Sen's dad), but other issues will be about odd little adventures involving dragons, Sleipnir, boys kissing and other nonsense that I would have liked to put into the main story but couldn't for pacing or absurdity.

So, lucky you, until I have more pages of HUSH colored, I will be feeding you sneek-peeks of GKSP and other teasers.
We should be back on a normal schedule after Christmas.
Thanks for reading.

as a side note, Jami really liked his brother's wives.

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